The Language Place

FAQs adult total immersion in english (Erasmus+)

What people ask us

Here is a selection of some of the questions we are frequently asked by students on our Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) and Just Study programmes for adults. If you don’t find the answer to your question here, please contact us at and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.

What is the time difference between Ireland and western Europe?

Irish time is one hour behind CET (Central European Time).

Where should I fly to?

It it is best to fly into Dublin airport as it is the nearest airport to Dundalk.

Who should I fly with?

You can fly into Dublin from many European airports with Aer Lingus, Ryanair or your country’s national airline.

How long does it take to get from Dublin/Belfast to Dundalk?

The journey time from Dublin Airport to Dundalk is approximately 1 hour (70km).

Who will meet me at the airport?

Students on the Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) programme arrive and leave on scheduled dates in March, April, May, June, August and September. Most students on a Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) programme travel with a group from their country and are transported to Dundalk by private bus.

Students on the Just Study programme choose their own dates and you can decide if you want to travel by public bus to Dundalk or if you want someone from The Language Place to transport you from the airport. If you take a public bus (100x) from Dublin airport to Dundalk, someone from The Language Place will meet you at the bus station to transport you to your host family. There is a bus from the airport to Dundalk every hour and it costs €15. If you prefer a private airport transfer, someone from The Language Place will meet you at the airport and take you directly to your accommodation. The cost of a private airport transfer is €75. When booking your flight remember that it is best to arrive at your host family accommodation before 23.00.

Where will I stay?

Students on our Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) programme stay with a host person/host family because this is the best way to improve your English quickly through total immersion and the best way to really get to know Irish culture. It is also the most economical option. Students on the Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) programme may stay one or two nights in a 4* hotel or glamping in Galway or Belfast depending on which dates they choose. Students on the Just Study programme can stay with a host person/host family or organise their own accommodation.

How is my host family chosen?

All our hosts/host families are carefully chosen after an interview process. We visit the hosts at their home and collect information about the family members’ ages, occupations, language skills, interests and hobbies, pets etc. The information you give us in the online booking form or on your application form helps us to match you with a host person/host family that is best for you. All hosts/host families live in very comfortable houses in Dundalk or Blackrock.

Will I have my own room?

Yes. All our students have their own bedroom.

Will I have my own bathroom?

Usually, yes. Friends who stay with the same host person/host family share a bathroom.

What are the mealtimes in Ireland?

Irish people usually have breakfast between 7.00 and 10.00, lunch between 12.00 and 14.00 and dinner between 18.00 and 19.30. Breakfast and dinner are the main meals of the day. It is important to know that lunch is much lighter than in Europe.

What meals will I have with my host family?

Your host/host family will give you breakfast each morning and dinner each evening except on days when you are eating out. Your host/host family will provide you with a packed lunch or you can make your own packed lunch to take with you. A packed lunch is usually a sandwich, a salad, yoghurt, cheese and some fruit. Your host will also provide snacks between meals.
All meals on the Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) programme are included in the course price, including meals on trips to other parts of Ireland. Coffees and drinks are not included.

What happens if I do not like the food my host person/host family cooks?

It’s good to remember Ireland is a different country, with different ways of preparing food and typical dishes in Ireland will be different to dishes in your home country – this is part of the adventure of really experiencing another culture. Before you come to Ireland, you will fill in a detailed likes and dislikes section on your application form. You can tell the host person/host family what you like, what you don’t eat, etc. You can eat as little or as much as you like. The host person/host family will not expect you to like absolutely everything. You can also use the host family kitchen to prepare some of your own meals if you want. If you like cooking, your host family would enjoy tasting dishes from your country too.

I forgot to mention in my application form that I don’t like fish? What should I do?

If you forgot to mention a dislike in your application form, tell your host person/host family when you arrive. If you have an allergy or dietary restriction, please tell us in advance so that we can place you with a host person/host family who understands your dietary needs.

What food and drink do I have to buy for myself?

If you are staying with a host/host family, they will provide all the food you need for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They will also provide snacks between meals. While on overnight trips you will eat away from your host house. These meals are included in the cost of your course but drinks are not included in the price.

I’m allergic to cats … how will my host/host family know?

There is a section on your student application form for allergies. We will make sure your host person/host family knows about these before you arrive.

How will I get from my host/host family’s house to The Language Place?

Most of our hosts/host families live within 5-30 minutes’ walk of The Language Place. You can walk or your host person/family will drive you by car.

Can I wash my clothes at my host family house?

Yes, you can wash your clothes in the host family’s laundry area.

Will my host family have internet/wifi?

Hosts have broadband and wi-fi. The Language Place also offers free internet access in our school.

I don’t like going to sleep too early. Will this be a problem for my host/host family?

No, you will have your own key.

Should I bring my host family a present?

The hosts/host families do not expect a present. But if you would like to bring a small present but you are not sure what to bring, some food or drink from your own country is always a good choice.

I’m worried that I won’t understand my host family or they won’t understand me.

Our host people and host families want to help you to improve your communication skills and they are kind and patient. If you have a low level of English (A2), do not expect to understand everything the first day but try your best. During your stay you will learn how to communicate better and you will feel more confident. Our host families want you to enjoy your English learning experience in Ireland and will help you in whatever way they can. So don’t worry!

Can I stay one or more extra nights with my host/host family?

If you want to stay for any extra nights before your programme starts, or after it finishes, please let us know in advance so that we can make the arrangements with the host person /host family. Extra nights cost €40 per night.

Do I have to do all the activities or excursions?

No. You do not have to do all the activities or excursions, just let us know.

How will I improve my English?
On the Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) programme, you do workshops every day to help you work on your speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar skills. You will also practise English doing activities, trips and excursions with your teachers. Our English language programmes are specially designed to cover the needs of our students. On the Just Study programme, you spend the mornings in classes working on your speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar skills with other students. Classes are at A2, B1, B2 and C1 levels.
Can I do a Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) programme if I have A1 level?

We recommend participants on the Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) programme have minimum A2 level in English in order to be able to communicate with their hosts, teachers and other people you meet during your stay.

Will I have enough time to relax and do what I want?

We make sure our students have maximum opportunities to learn and practise English all day but you have some free time in the evenings. You can choose to practise the English you have learned during the day with your host person/host family but you can also relax, study, do sport etc.

What’s the weather like in Ireland ? What clothes should I bring?

The weather in Ireland is changeable, between 0° and 12° in winter, spring and autumn and between 12° and 24° in summer. If you are coming in winter, spring or autumn, bring warm clothes. In summer we have sunny days but also cloudy days, and because we are so near the Atlantic Ocean we have rain regularly so when packing, be sure to include some sweaters and a jacket as well as t-shirts and light clothes.

What happens if I get sick?

If you get sick and need medical attention, The Language Place can organise a visit to the doctor for you. If you are from the EU, and have an EHIC card or an E111 form, EU Regulation 1408/71 says that holders of the European Health Insurance Card, E111 or equivalent, during a temporary stay in Ireland can have access to doctors and services in a public hospital free of charge. But if you don’t have this card, you will have to pay for medical treatment here. The cost of medicine is higher in Ireland than in other countries. It usually costs around €50 to visit a local doctor and €100 for emergencies. If you have an illness for which you have to take regular medication, you should bring enough of your medication with you for the duration of your stay here. If you get really sick and have to return home without completing your course, The Language Place will give you a credit note for a course at a later date.

Do I need travel/personal insurance?

We recommend that all students have a good travel insurance policy from your own country to have adequate insurance against personal injury, theft or loss of belongings and personal injury while in Ireland. The Language Place cannot accept responsibility for personal injury, theft or loss of belongings.

How much money do I need to bring?

Everything is included in the Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) programmes: accommodation, meals, English workshops, activities, excursions and entrance fees. We recommend you bring money for coffees, drinks and souvenir shopping!

Do I have to speak in English all the time?

Yes. Students on both our total immersion programmes, Discover Ireland (Erasmus +) and Just Study, should speak in English all the time with their hosts, teachers and the other participants on the programmes. This is the best way to improve fluency in a short period of time.

My children would also like to go to Ireland. Can they do a course?

We offer programmes for teenagers between 12 and 19 for one, two or three weeks in July and August. You can download a brochure on our Teen Total Immersion page, or you can contact us at

I would like to rent a house for my family for a month. Is it possible?

Yes, depending on availability, but it is usually very expensive. For more information:

I’m interested. What should I do now?

Please complete an application form and return it to We will then contact you to arrange an interview via Zoom to answer any further questions you have and to confirm your place on the Total Immersion course. You receive your host person/host family details four weeks before coming to Ireland. Students on the Discover Ireland (Erasmus+) programme and on the Just Study programme pay a €300 deposit to reserve a place. You pay the balance four weeks before you come to Ireland.

contact us


telephone: 00 353 42 9320729
mobiles: 00 353 87 2297476
00 353 87 2297473


2 jocelyn place,
dundalk, co louth, ireland

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